Pre-Legal Settlement Cash Advances

Often, claimant parties in personal injury legal cases have serious difficulty meeting month to month expenses when case complexity leads to a lengthy period of time before a settlement is reached and an award granted.  One of the most powerful financial tools available to assist plaintiffs and plaintiff attorneys in such instances is know as a Legal Settlement Advance

With a Legal Settlement Advance, claimants can receive a cash advance based upon the validity of the case and a projected settlement.  There is no repayment required until the judgment is granted and best of all, the cash advance can be used for virtually any purpose including...

Non-Recourse:  You Repay Your Legal Advance Only If You Win!

At WALL STREET NATION FUNDING, our Legal Advances are non-recourse and based on expert analysis and the merits of your case.  there are no monthly repayments to make and should you lose your case, you have no obligation to repay your advance.  Find out more by contacting us or submitting an online case profile (quote form).